Research Paper Abstract

For my research paper I have decided to write about the nay-sayers in the issue of climate change. Personally, I believe climate change is a very serious problem that needs a lot of urgent attention. In my last paper I wrote about how climate change is an issue that has been attempted to be swept under the rug by corporate America. In this paper I aim to point out the people who completely fail to recognize climate change, and hold a belief that this issue is nothing but a fallacy. Specifically, I will use example from issues in Taiwan in Kenya, from my sources, and show how climate change is a real threat that is already impacting communities worldwide. Next, I will discuss the history of climate change and how perceptions towards climate change have stayed the same/changed overtime. This will push me towards my main argument against the out right “nay-sayers” of climate change. 


Begley, Sharon. “The Truth About Denial.” Newsweek, 13 Aug. 2007. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Bryan, Elizabeth. Climate Change Perception and Adaptation of Agro-pastoral Communities in Kenya. Digital image. Reg Environ Change (2012), 28 June 2011. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Tien, Chou Kuei. “The Public Perception of Climate Change in Taiwan and Its Paradigm Shift.” Graduate Institute of National Development, National Taiwan University, 9 July 2013. Web. 4 Apr. 2014.
Semenza, Jan. “Public Perception of Climate Change: Voluntary Mitigation and Barriers to Behavior Change.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 1 Nov. 2008. Web. 04 Apr. 2014.

Weber, Elke U. EXPERIENCE-BASED AND DESCRIPTION-BASED PERCEPTIONS OF LONG-TERM RISK: WHY GLOBAL WARMING DOES NOT SCARE US (YET). Digital image. Center for Research on Environmental Decisions, Columbia University, New York, USA, 07 Jan. 2006. Web. 4 Apr. 2014. 

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