The Toxic Truth

When first reading the prompt for this and scanning over the word “toxic” the first thought that came to my mind is the hazardous waste bins that were often found in the back of my high school science classes. This same type of toxin is made Sarah Vogel talks about in her article “From ‘The Dose Makes the Poison’ to ‘The Timing Makes the Poison’: Conceptualizing Risk in the Synthetic Age”. Here Vogel brings up many cases where poisonous chemicals were left in certain medicines and people faced severe long-term health issues. After reading this article, however, my mind was not changed about the toxicity of my surroundings or routines. I think people in the modern society have come to terms with the idea that we will not be able to fully control our surroundings. For instance, we will never be able to make the air we breathe 100% clean, and we certain will not be able to cal up the sun and force it to stop emitting harmful UV rays. Therefore, I think it’s just natural to control the things that we actually can control- which leads us to be apprehensive about our choices. Using myself as an example I know if I go to the caf and eat 5 slices of pizza, 2 chicken sandwiches, and a plate of quesadillas I will feel pretty terrible. Therefore, I try and make the choice to get a healthier meal, and deter away from things that would be hazardous to my health. Long story short, humans control the things that are actually controllable . The level at which someone tries and control their surroundings often dictates how much worry they have for their health or well-being. Personally I try and live a healthy lifestyle, but I don’t necessarily “worry” about this process in excess.







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